Get To Know A Product: BP01 Bed Exit Fall Prevention Pressure Sensor Mat for Elderly Home Care
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Get To Know A Product: BP01 Bed Exit Fall Prevention Pressure Sensor Mat for Elderly Home Care

Views: 71     Author: Daytech     Publish Time: 2023-11-29      Origin:

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Get To Know A Product: BP01 Bed Exit Fall Prevention Pressure Sensor Mat for Elderly Home Care

Get to know a product: BP01 Bed Exit Fall Prevention Pressure Sensor Mat


Falls are a major problem you might occur when you have senior members or older people at home.

And Falls can lead to serious concequence to our senior members, our mon and dad, even our spouses.

So it would be helpful if you have some assisted device that can help you on fall prevention.

There are two ways in the market on fall prevention.

1. Pressure Sensor Mat

2. Radar detection(Motion detection)

And for this blog, we are aimed to help you understand Pressure Sensor Mat.


What is a Bed Exit Fall Prevention Pressure Sensor Mat?

  1. This monitoring System is consisted of two parts(transmitter and receiver)

  2. The pressure sensor mat will be triggered when there is pressure changing on it. The transmitter is tiny itme which connects to the mat to send out RF wireless signals to the receiver


How does a Bed Exit Fall Prevention Pressure Sensor Mat Work?

  1. When someone move away from the mat, will trigger the transmitter to send RF wireless signals to the receiver

  2. The receiver will ring/flash/vibrate to alert caregivers to offer help in time.



Why Your Customers need a Bed Exit Fall Prevention Pressure Sensor Mat Work?

  1. It will help you monitor a member of long time care at home

  2. It will prevent a Alzmertz's, Dememtia or Parkinson's patient to wandering around without proper care.

  3. It will detect accident falls when your loved ones fall from bed or wheel chair when they are alone.

  4. It will help you monitor senior members when they left their bed too long becasue of an accident(Fall in bathroom)


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