How Caregiver Pagers Work
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How Caregiver Pagers Work

Views: 0     Author: Tamas O.     Publish Time: 2023-03-10      Origin: Site

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How Caregiver Pagers Work

When ordering a caregiver pager set, you are presented one or more call buttons for the patient and an alarm for the caregiver. By holding the call button for a few second, it pairs up the signal with the remote pager. Once done a constant connection is created. The caller is lightweight and small enough to be worn on the wrist or around the neck. The activation doesn’t demand much from the patient, since help is literally one button push away. However, on the side of the caregiver the alarm either starts blinking or plays a loud tune (or sometimes both). The visual alarm is great for getting the message through without a loud noise. In most cases up to three callers can be paired up with a single pager, so more than one patient can be monitored at the same time. Caregiver pagers have a range around 150-500 feet to cover a whole house, and the signal is usually strong enough to penetrate the walls so – even if the patient lives next door – the alarm can be still activated.

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