Recommended Caregiver Pager Systems
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Recommended Caregiver Pager Systems

Views: 0     Author: Tamas O.     Publish Time: 2023-03-13      Origin: Site

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Recommended Caregiver Pager Systems

This pager system by Smart Caregiver is a best seller in its category. The set includes two callers and an alarm, all of which are easy to use. The devices are linked by a strong signal, so even if the caregiver is at the other end of the house the alarm will still be triggered. As for the dispatcher unit, it has two audible alarms and is designed with portability in mind. This means the alarm is small enough to be slipped into a pocket or worn clipped to a belt. The package has two AA batteries for the pager, and two 12v battery buttons for the callers.

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