Stories on How We Help To Get People Know Elderly Diseases: Episode 1 Dementia
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Stories on How We Help To Get People Know Elderly Diseases: Episode 1 Dementia

Views: 14     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-11-14      Origin: Site

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Stories on How We Help To Get People Know Elderly Diseases: Episode 1 Dementia

There are 35 million dementia patients worldwide, and it is said to increase to 115 million by 2050

As this is the first episode of our blog about "Stories on How We Help To Get People Know Elderly Disease", we will start with Dementia.

In this blog, our purpose is not showing you the brutal facts about elderly diseases, we just want to show you some of stories that is currently happening of kind people helping to improve these situations.

About dementia

  1. Dementia is an overall term to describe a collection of symptoms that one may experience if they are living with a variety of diseases, including Alzheimer's disease. 

  2. Dementia are caused by abnormal brain changes. Dementia symptoms trigger a decline in thinking skills, also known as cognitive abilities, severe enough to impair daily life and independent function. When brain cells cannot communicate normally, thinking, behavior and feelings can be affected.

  3. Alzheimer's disease accounts for 60-80% of cases.

  4. Vascular dementia is the second most common cause of dementia. It occurs when there is microscopic bleeding and blood vessel blockage in the brain.

  5. Those who experience the brain changes of multiple types of dementia simultaneously have mixed dementia.

  6. Some diseases such as thyroid problems and vitamin aren't dementia, and they are reversible

Learn more:

Our story today: Restaurant of Mistaken orders(Restaurant in Japan)

"Mistaken orders" is a restaurant whose waiters are 100% dementia patients but still remain ability to work.

(If you don't have time for this video, please check out below pictures and words from the this meaningful video)

Their Aim: To spread dementia awareness and to make society just that little bit more open minded and relaxed.

Food is comforting,



Let's take a look at a typical day in Restaurant of Mistaken orders.

Even though waiters make mistakes from time to time, there is no complaint. Instead, you can see there is happy laughter on the customers' faces.

People only can feel when they can relate to the facts they are experiencing.

In this restaurant, people learn to have more compassion instead of hatred and complaints. And what's more, they can understand what it looks like when people have dementia.


This is the survey on customer service of Restaurant of Mistaken orders.

There are only 3 questions on the sheet:

  1. are you happy with our service?

  2. did your waiter serve the wrong food?

  3. did you think our restaurant could help promote understanding of dementia?

And the answers are as you see.

This is the end of our story for today, but the story goes on when you keep rolling down the blog.

There are more picture from the videos.

And the purpose of the blog is to show you that there are a lot people in different parts of the world, who is doing a meaningful things for our elderly senior family members, and maybe you are or you could be one of them.

And we will make the world better will what we do in daily life. See you around~




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